From Past to Present

Holistic Healing & Empowerment

Finding peace within

Welcome to a journey of self-discovery and healing.
With a holistic approach, we embrace the entirety of your being:
Mind, Body and Spirit.

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empty cathedral interior
white clouds at daytime
white clouds at daytime
ice-capped mountain at daytime
ice-capped mountain at daytime



Through the Challenges
My path to here wasn’t easy. I was feeling lost for years, and I felt like it’s impossible for me to find happiness. I began to numb my pain with addictions and I ended up losing my mind completely and lost touch with myself.

This breaking point led me to want to get better, and it took me on an intense journey of learning and practicing, I even spent 10 hours a day meditating in a monastery.

Symphony of Well-being
I came to understand the power of the mind - how we can truly create anything and change everything with it. I found powerful ways to activate the potential of the mind to align the body and spirit. The change happened when I uncovered a powerful truth: healing and peace come from within.

Not merely a temporary relief but a lasting peace and a joy that remains constant in a beautiful symphony of well-being and light.

I'm here to share the wisdom that not only transformed my life but has also helped others find their harmony. Here's what I offer you:

  • Insights: Unlock the hidden keys to your well-being.

  • Strategies: Practical tools for releasing the past and creating lasting joy.

  • Support: Personal guidance every step of the way.

Shared Wisdom

I'm Henna Brandt, and I've dedicated my life to understanding the intricate ways of our mind, body, and spirit.
If you've felt stuck, controlled by past traumas, or simply in search of inner peace and joy, you're in the right place.

You actually helped me find who I am. I am so happy. You're the best!

- John

Let's explore how we can illuminate your journey together.

Interested in a brighter path?

Journey of Discovery

Imagine a journey where you discover the hidden keys to harmonize your mind, body, and spirit.
This adventure invites us to dive deep, exploring a holistic path that uncovers the essence of our true selves.

When we navigate through life,

it's common to encounter situations that bring the deeper, unaddressed parts within us to the surface.

Sometimes, we experience them as behaviors or feelings we can't fully explain.

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grayscale photo of landscape

many of us carry within us echoes from the past.

If you've ever wondered why

man sitting on rock formation in cliff during golden hours
man sitting on rock formation in cliff during golden hours

you sometimes feel like stuck behind an invisible wall,
take a moment to reflect on these questions.

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left human palm close-up photography
silhouette photo of Buddha statue
silhouette photo of Buddha statue
  1. Do you tend to repeat similar, potentially harmful behavior patterns?

  2. Do you struggle to recognize or express your own needs and desires?

  3. Are you prone to thinking about yourself critically or judgmentally?

  1. Do you struggle with closeness and feel like you are constantly pushing people away?

  2. Do you repeatedly experience difficulties trusting other people?

  3. Do you find it difficult to create or maintain meaningful relationships?

  1. Do you notice in yourself a strong need to control your environment or situations around you?

  2. Do you notice yourself avoiding conflicts or difficult conversations, even when they're necessary?

  3. Do you feel that you struggle to accept and love yourself just as you are?

Don't worry if some of these questions feel close to home;
they might simply indicate areas where past experiences,
possibly even traumas, are still influencing you.




Fortunately, there is a way to release these shadows and embrace a lighter future.

Discovering your Path

After pondering those reflective questions, you might sense that your past experiences, perhaps even unnoticed traumas, are silently sculpting your present and affecting your life. Fortunately it is possible to gently unravel these threads, and get to a future where you can live freely without this burden on your shoulders and embrace your true essence with love and acceptance.

Embarking on this path requires courage, and finding the right support is crucial.

Our individual coaching sessions are tailored to meet you at your current stage, offering a compassionate and understanding approach to healing. Through weekly conversations, practical exercises, and continuous support, we aim to provide a holistic healing experience that encompasses your entire being— mind, body and spirit.

Choose Your Path



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sand dune

  • Discovery Call - FREE: Begin with a conversation that costs nothing but could change everything. This initial session enables us to explore how we can best support your journey to healing.

  • Tailored Coaching & Transformation Plans:
    Whether it's a single month to get clarity, two months for deeper exploration, or three months for a comprehensive transformation journey, there are flexible options to suit your needs.

man in white shirt looking at mountain
man in white shirt looking at mountain

"I've learned to love myself and started to become a lot happier.

I definitely, definitely, definitely recommend!

If there’s any sort of mental health problems, or personal issues you’re having or just need some more life support, I definetely recommend speaking to Henna about it.

She’s amazing at what she does.
She has very very good tips and techniques on getting better.

I couldn’t be happier. And that’s all thanks to Henna, Thank you Henna!"

-Healing Journey Traveler

Embarking on this healing journey requires courage, and I'm here to guide and support you through every challenge and breakthrough.

If you're ready to explore the transformative power of individual coaching and how it can help you heal from the past, transform your life, and discover happiness and love within, book your free discovery call today.

This no-obligation call is your first step toward a life defined not by past traumas but by the joy, peace, and fulfillment you deserve.

Take the First Step

Let's begin this journey together, towards a future where you're not just surviving, but thriving, with every step rooted in self-love and empowerment.

Book a Free Discovery Call

This initial session lets us explore the best way to support your journey to healing.